For many of us, in work or leisure we can easily get caught up with overworking or striving to achieve the next ‘thing’. In our everyday life we are always doing. In restorative yoga we learn to undo, release and let go to find a deep sense of ease and inner peace.
We discover how and where we hold tension in the body and begin to to unwind and create space and freedom. As that happens the breath becomes magical and flows freely. That deep release expands to our emotional and mental well-being too. |
Restorative Yoga can help you to:
"Cheryl is a knowledgeable and supportive teacher and her small and friendly classes have been a key part of my recovery from serious illness. I particularly love the Relax and Revive class - a wonderful weekly opportunity to reconnect with your body and soul" |
RESTORATIVE YOGA CLASSES ARE BLISSFULRestore classI run a weekly daytime restorative class on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 am that boosts your immune system, reduces stress, gently opens the body a practice that is more about undoing than doing a perfect antidote to stresses of life.
Pop Up DEEP REST Class with Sound bathHeld monthly on Monday evenings dates can vary see home page or facebook events.
In this class you walk in and find everything pre set up for your first pose, at the you float out. Come, be nurtured, pampered and guided through nourishing breath work, guided relaxation and simple restful yoga poses. In Winter this is a candlelight class in a toasty warm studio. Guided relaxation is accompanied by the sounds of healing crystal bowls or chimes. No experience necessary all welcome to come along and luxuriate. Be Calm - Breath for life 5 week course5 week introductory course exploring the breath work
Breath work is a beautiful way to reduce all the tension and toxins that have been piling up over the years. It can be a transformative process that is delicate and exquisite and when you reconnect or connect for the first time to your breath you will have a wonderful companion that is always there to help. Through restful yoga to ease physical tension we will explore a number of wonderful ancient Yogic breathing practices (pranayamas). That calm, refresh, cleanse and energise the body. This course runs throughout the year on Thursday evenings 6.45pm- 8:00pm email for next dates |